Michael Perrie Jr.
Actor - writer - director
Writing Work
As a playwright/screenwriter, Michael's work has been seen all over North America. His writing often focuses on mental health and social commentary, while remaining grounded, funny, and hopeful - combining magical realism with satire and absurdity.
Most often compared to Christopher Durang, Annie Baker, and Sam Shepard.

MICHAEL will be directing the feature film mockumentary written by his wife Lacy and himself about a young woman who struggles to put up the first all inclusive conspiracy theory convention in maryland.
Produced by: Uncultured Swine, shooting Fall 2024
Read my plays on...
Visit the above link to read a selection of Michael's best plays, all available for licensing.

TV Series Pitching now...
A new TV series currently in development and open for optioning, Michael's series "non-players" follows a group of Non Player Characters (NPCs) as they attempt to save their game from certain doom. This fantasy comedy is perfect for gamers, fantasy fans, and ensemble comedy lovers.